Laka Lodge works with the National Marine Park to reduce pollution and protect the environment and sea life
The plastic crisis is worldwide and affects even the most isolated and pristine of
environments. Here in Moheli, the local population is small and still largely
dependent on natural resources to build, weave and create. Unfortunately, due
to ocean currents and the floatability of plastics, thousands of pieces of mini-
and microplastics as well as bigger still distinguishable pieces wash ashore
the deserted islands within the Moheli National Park.
This collection of discarded shoes, single use plastic bottles, perfume containers,
bags, fishing lines and nets, tissues of all kinds, and more gather on the tide
line and endanger marine and land life. Green Sea Turtles depend on several of
these beaches as nesting grounds, with the plastic being a potential hazard to
their nesting along with the eventual emergence of turtle hatchlings.
Therefore, along with the National Marine Park, the
Laka Lodge team has been eager to organize and participate in beach clean
ups to preserve the natural beauty and increase the safety of the turtles.
You may wish to participate in one of our clean-up operations on the isles and
help us collecting. You will get in return the memory of your contribution to
preservation of our exceptional environment and the great smiles from our young
volunteers of the village that will remain with you forever.